Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Anonymous donation for Polki-Dot in memory of Zoe
Dogenes Inc. donation for Myrna's care
Jaime Davis donation for Ravenna KY Urgent Momma and Puppy Super Mutts
Dino and Sue DePasquale donation for Ravenna KY Urgent Momma and Puppy Super Mutts
Lee Dusold for Radar and Gracie Support
Susan Herrmann donation for Myrna's care
Greg Holden donation for Bonnie's care
Sharon Hohl
Noreen Heyde-vet bill for Mandolin
Lori Jones In honor of Lily
Kristina Krumdick
Johnny Langdale
Brittany Lockwood
Kathryn Marcinak Kate & Sweet Pea wishing the best to IBR :)
Yukiko McFaling donation for Donneigh and Kimberley
Lee Miller
Eric Osberg donation for Bonnie Lynn Raitt care
Thomas Scheidt
Fred Szponer donation for Bonnie Lynn Raitt care
Christy and Otto Carrano of Otto's Cyclery in memory of their adopted Pike (GSP), who lived a great life of 15 years.
August 23, 2010
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of August
Posted by Pat