The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by Congress on July 4th, 1776, states in part, “All men are created equal”; they enjoy “unalienable Rights” these rights include “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
Illinois Birddog Rescue believes "Freedom" from neglect and abuse plus the "Independence" from cruelty are "unalienable Rights" given to all creatures. Without your generous donations, we would not be in a position to ensure "Life, Liberty, or the pursuit of Happiness" that 750+ dogs have come to know. Thank each and everyone of you for your belief in us.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Christina Bach
Julie Bisping
Lesley Brown
Jaime Davis
Diane Erwin
Dawn Hahn- Dedicated to Charlie and Larry
Hahn Family for Dempsey's medical care
The Hohensee Family
Stephanie Jankowski
Jodie Jeskie
Maureen Koziol for Maggie's care
Leon & Diane Lake
Yukiko Akimoto McFarland
Steve Morgan
Raymoure Family
Sharon Roddy for Dempsey's care
Stephanie-Dedicated to Belle and the rest of the Gang
Without the tender loving care provided me from an angel, I wouldn't be here today and looking for a long and happy life.
I owe my life to,
Dr. Libby from
Creature Comforts
Lancaster, OH 43130-8819 Puppy Kisses Forever, Dempsey
Anna Fliege adopted Georg Von Trapp
Tom and Karen Scheidt in memory of their beloved Clair."I never knew a dog who enjoyed life more than Claire. She experienced more in her short 4 years of life than most dogs experience in 12 years. She loved to be touched and petted and even demanded it of strangers. Claire was also the most vocal dog I have ever known as she ‘roooo’ on a constant basis when she thought it was time to walk, eat, or just needed attention. Just like a human child she would wake us up in the morning when she felt she should be fed or walked by pushing us with her paws. And her cuteness would get her out of a lot of trouble. I don’t think she was afraid of anything and just lived life to its fullest."
Chad Hallonquist for Maggie's hospice care in memory of a true companion, Baxter. "When I saw Maggie’s story, it touched my heart, and I wanted to do something to help her. It made me feel good that I was able to do it in the memory of my buddy, Baxter.""Baxter’s sweet face and velvet head that I wish so much I could kiss once more. He was gentle and friendly with everyone, both people and animals. He blessed me with a beautiful friendship for almost 9 1/2 of the greatest years of my life. He fought a courageous 11 month battle with hemangiosarcoma to become the University of Minnesota’s longest surviving patient with that type of cancer. I know he will lovingly greet all who join him at the Rainbow Bridge while he waits for us to finally be together again."
Pat & Art Malcor in memory of sweet Wally
Mary Jo Mikottis and her beautiful Pointer, Howard
Nancy Hahn and Jim Holland made a donation for the celebration of Dawn Hahn's birthday. Dawn and husband Donald adopted 2 IBR dogs and give IBR valuable time and efforts in our fundraising efforts. Happy Birthday Dawn and thanks for all you do for IBR. Donald with Charlie and Larry.
July 1, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of July
Posted by Pat