December is filled with special holidays for many different cultures. One common thread they all share is, the love to give from the heart. IBR has been so blessed this year and holiday season from so many caring people. We've had the opportunity to save more dogs this year than ever before. We've also been fortunate to give a second chance to those with sever medical issues. All because of you!
IBR would like to wish every one the joyous celebration of your holiday and a New Year filled with wishes coming true.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Associates from the Fitz Chem Corp
Mark Appleby in memory of Ripley, who introduced us to Pointers
Paula Bull in memory of Muffin & Cinamon
companions of Steve King & Johnnie Putman
Rebecca Edwards
Roger Groth in honor of Suzy Q and Miley
Mr.& Mrs. Patrick Kelly
The Hahn Family
Mr.& Mrs. Brian Kreul adopted Bobby
Elizabeth Lambert in honor of Marty Lambert
Eduardo Matos
Mr.& Mrs. Brian Muza
Mr.& Mrs. Michael Naplepa, Jr.
Jessica Oldfather & Michael Thiele
Douglas Pauschert
Erik Ritternhouse
Wendy Schild in honor of my Dallie & GSP
Mr.& Mrs. Jeffery Ware
Anne Davis adopted Gilligan ==========================================
Sharon Decker adopted Lacey
Mr.& Mrs. Chris Gasik adopted Gidget(aka Cassidy)and and Trixie/Jersey Girl (aka Keira)
Lori for Tiger Lily
Barbara Thorson for medical care on Mulberry
December 5, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of December
Posted by Pat
November 1, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of November
While we enjoy a fest of fine food and good company that this month brings on Thanksgiving, we can't forget the dogs that wonder aimlessly through the streets looking for their next meal and a warm place to rest. Through the endless efforts of many dedicated animal control officers, volunteers, and kind hearted people, like yourselves, we, at Illinois Birddog Rescue, are able to offer them their meal and the warmth from a loving home to rest their weary bodies. We would like to give thanks to each and every one of you that has helped accomplish this task. Without your support and compassion, we wouldn't be in a position to provide this basic need that is so instrumental to their well being.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Mr.& Mrs. Mike Carey
Michelle Cejna in memory of Amy White
Jamie Davis
Lance Druckemiller
Denise Finra
The Hahn family with adopted fur kids Charlie and Larry
Jodi Johnson
Denise Kerr
Maureen Kozioland & fur kid Riley
The Malcor family-adopted furkids Sugar & Ali
Elizabeth Papierski
Tom and Karen Scheidt adopted fur kid Lynette
Lee Schiller
Pamela Szponer in memory of her special IBR girl Cookie
Natalie Ward
Nancy Witzigreuter
A donation was given for the benefit of IBR, on behalf of Rita Martin's love for life and IBR, by a dear friend of hers, in her honor. Rita and her family adopted their beloved Louise from IBR and Rita loved the joy she brought each and every day. May you rest in Peace knowing that your love for animals and the kindness to others, goes on by the ones you've touched throughout your life.
Jim Crawford adopted Jimmy Choo (aka Chauncey)
Lance Druckemiller who adopted Tilda
Laura Flanagan in loving memory of Lord Paxton
Posted by Pat
October 3, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of October
brings "trick or treat" and our dogs are happy to oblige. They provide many tricks, some we've never seen before, and the treat is just knowing that they have a second chance of giving someone the special love only they can give. Without your generous support and compassion, this wouldn't happen. Thank you is such a small sentence, but it has such a big heartfelt meaning..
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Allstate Corp.
Mike and Kathy Bytner
Christy and Otto Carrano of Otto's Cyclery
Jaime Davis
The Malcor Family
Eduardo Matos
The Mendota Company for their donation of leashes
Lee Miller
The Morgan family
Alice Moss for medical assistance for Andy
Oto's Cyclery
Donna Ramos
Bob Riggin
Erik Rittenhouse
Catherine Royalty
Alan Schmidt
The Sternberg family
The many friends of IBR that made donations
to Birddog Balooza 5
Crowe Howath BSR made a donation in the memory of a good friend and colleague and a friend of IBR, Amy White. Amy was part of the IBR family for some time and instrumental in providing a safe haven for many dogs in need. She will be dearly missed by family, friends and the dog rescue community.
Emily Clark and her special IBR girl, Greta (aka London)
Julie Miller who adopted Sully and Nikki
Jim Peters & family who adopted Tanner (aka Cruiser) and his fur sister Annie
Kristy Zelewsky, foster mom to Viola and Edward, for her generous donation of vetting expenses.
Posted by Pat
September 1, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of September
Labor Day is thought of as the working man's holiday. Illinois Birddog Rescue doesn't get the day off. We work very hard each and every day, 24/7, to ensure the safety and well being of all the dogs that we are capable of helping. We have you to thank for this. Without your generous donations, we suspect that this holiday wouldn't be one of cheer, but one of fear. Fear that we didn't do all we could to help those in need. Thank you for believing in us and our cause.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Depasquale Family
The Kroll family for Ophelia's medical needs
Malcor Family
Rebecca Meier
Steve Morgan
Donald L Pumfrey donation to help Reaghan
Tom and Karen Scheidt
Monika Soja
Scheidt family adopted Lynette. She is now enjoys the life of a Queen!
Rebecca Meier adopted Freckles
Posted by Pat
August 1, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of August
The dog days of summer are here. For Illinois Birddog Rescue, every day is a dog day, just the seasons change. As we take this time to enjoy the wonderful weather with our companions, we can't help but to reflect on those we couldn't save.
We have been very fortunate that people have opened their hearts to help over 2o dogs so far this year. Without your generous donations, these dogs wouldn't of had the chance to experience what a real "dog day" is. Thank you for all you've done.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Anonymous Donor
Danica Barreau
Anne and Roger Davis
Jamie Davis
S.L. Decker
Sue DePasquale
Yukiko Gates & family in memory of Hunter
Jennifer Henderson in honor of Chris Dewey, an AKC agility trial judge
Bekah Klarr
Steve Morgan
Catherine M. Royalty
Shipp Family in memory of their beloved Maggie and our dear foster girl Maggie
Pat & Art Malcor with gratitude for saving our girls, Sugar and Ali. Ali 2nd from left, Sugar on right end
Posted by Pat
July 1, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of July
The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by Congress on July 4th, 1776, states in part, “All men are created equal”; they enjoy “unalienable Rights” these rights include “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
Illinois Birddog Rescue believes "Freedom" from neglect and abuse plus the "Independence" from cruelty are "unalienable Rights" given to all creatures. Without your generous donations, we would not be in a position to ensure "Life, Liberty, or the pursuit of Happiness" that 750+ dogs have come to know. Thank each and everyone of you for your belief in us.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Christina Bach
Julie Bisping
Lesley Brown
Jaime Davis
Diane Erwin
Dawn Hahn- Dedicated to Charlie and Larry
Hahn Family for Dempsey's medical care
The Hohensee Family
Stephanie Jankowski
Jodie Jeskie
Maureen Koziol for Maggie's care
Leon & Diane Lake
Yukiko Akimoto McFarland
Steve Morgan
Raymoure Family
Sharon Roddy for Dempsey's care
Stephanie-Dedicated to Belle and the rest of the Gang
Without the tender loving care provided me from an angel, I wouldn't be here today and looking for a long and happy life.
I owe my life to,
Dr. Libby from
Creature Comforts
Lancaster, OH 43130-8819 Puppy Kisses Forever, Dempsey
Anna Fliege adopted Georg Von Trapp
Tom and Karen Scheidt in memory of their beloved Clair."I never knew a dog who enjoyed life more than Claire. She experienced more in her short 4 years of life than most dogs experience in 12 years. She loved to be touched and petted and even demanded it of strangers. Claire was also the most vocal dog I have ever known as she ‘roooo’ on a constant basis when she thought it was time to walk, eat, or just needed attention. Just like a human child she would wake us up in the morning when she felt she should be fed or walked by pushing us with her paws. And her cuteness would get her out of a lot of trouble. I don’t think she was afraid of anything and just lived life to its fullest."
Chad Hallonquist for Maggie's hospice care in memory of a true companion, Baxter. "When I saw Maggie’s story, it touched my heart, and I wanted to do something to help her. It made me feel good that I was able to do it in the memory of my buddy, Baxter.""Baxter’s sweet face and velvet head that I wish so much I could kiss once more. He was gentle and friendly with everyone, both people and animals. He blessed me with a beautiful friendship for almost 9 1/2 of the greatest years of my life. He fought a courageous 11 month battle with hemangiosarcoma to become the University of Minnesota’s longest surviving patient with that type of cancer. I know he will lovingly greet all who join him at the Rainbow Bridge while he waits for us to finally be together again."
Pat & Art Malcor in memory of sweet Wally
Mary Jo Mikottis and her beautiful Pointer, Howard
Nancy Hahn and Jim Holland made a donation for the celebration of Dawn Hahn's birthday. Dawn and husband Donald adopted 2 IBR dogs and give IBR valuable time and efforts in our fundraising efforts. Happy Birthday Dawn and thanks for all you do for IBR. Donald with Charlie and Larry.
Posted by Pat
May 31, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of June
June is the start of warmer weather where one can get out and play with their companion. The dogs in our rescue wouldn't have this opportunity without the generous donations from people like you. Thank you for giving them their second chance.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Jan Burroughs made a generous donation for Melody, in honor of her own special girl, Pearl (see picture in May's donations) who is waiting at the Bridge.
John Conto in memory of his beloved Abby and Sophie
Jaime Davis
Michelle Davis-for my 3 angels: Honey, Ginger & Belle
The GE Foundation Matching Donation
Judith Gussler
Anne Hornyak
Yanitsa Kirova and James Liakos
Sally Kreul
Leslie Lindsay
Michael Madden
Jason Martin
Yukiko & Paul McFarling
Lee Miller
Steve Morgan
Danielle Radtke
Dawn Lee Reichl
Erik Rittenhouse
Wendy Schild
Laura Williams
Julie Bisping with Gypsy
Cathy Royalty and her beautiful babies
Eric and Cathy Sandburg with fur kids Brie,Cheddar, and foster Shirley Partridge
Posted by Pat
May 2, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of May. A Month of
Beginnings, where Mother Nature awakens the flowers into beautiful blossoms. We would like to think we do the same. By giving the scared and frightened, the sick and the old, a chance to bloom into a confident dog once again. Without your generous donations, we couldn't accomplish this. Thank you, from all of us.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Lynn Clesen
Trayce Krawczyk
Rita & Tony Tyoma
Jan Burroughs' donation for Melody's care is made in memory of her beloved companion, Pearl. "In memory of Pearl, faithful friend, loving companion, adventurer and protector. A shelter dog who found her forever home with us for 13 years. Always remembered; always missed."
Diane Erwin, a dedicated dog lover and volunteer for saving those in need, donated the medical expenses on 2 precious dogs. Pictured here are her own true loves, Trudy and Grace.
Posted by Pat
April 2, 2009
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of April. April Brings
Cleaning. Known for throwing away the old and used. Unfortunately, many people think dogs are in that category as well. With the dedication and devotion from people like you, we can save, nurture, and love these, so-called throw-aways, and give them back their self worth and reap their love in return.
Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Joseph Bommersbach
Bob and Cheryl DeGuiseppe
Dr. Mary-Beth Esser-Fireside Kennels, Oconomowoc, WI
Mark Utley
Melissa Fronek - 2 donations, one from me and one from my mom, Ms. Vickie Estes, on behalf of my uncle, Phillip Glick. He passed away on December 25th after a battle with cancer. He was truly an animal lover, being a "dad" to many over the years. A few years ago, he rescued a puppy and named her Moxie. He trained Moxie as a service dog working with special needs children and VISTA, visiting hospice residents. This relationship was truly special- I know you can understand with your beloved Wes :)
Moxie was by my uncles side, in the hospital bed every minute-not wanting him to be without her. It was so hard to see, but so amazing & special.
Please accept this on behalf of them both!
Love- Melissa, Justin, Jackson, Butch & Bailey
Chris and Patti Wieland - Seeing Maggie lets me see what Gracie would have been like if she had not been taken by nasal cancer two years ago, at the age of 12. She was a greeter at the veterinary hospital where her mother, Dr. Julie Smith, worked in Fort Collins, CO.
In loving memory of a dear sweet girl.
Maureen Koziol made a donation in honor of Wally.
Michelle Davis's donation for Belle's HW treatment is much appreciated. Her 2 loving dogs Honey and Ginger are pictured here, waiting for Santa.
Posted by Pat