The following generous donations were made by:
Elizabeth Alleman
Christina Bach made a donation for McGee
Mark Bardoel
Rebecca Edwards
Chris and Mary Gasik
Jodi Johnson
Denise Kerr-America's Charities
Greg and Susan Lerch
The Mankowski family
Jessica Oldfather
Susan Paulsen
Terrence Rudenko-Allstate Giving Campaign
Erik Rittenhouse-Allstate Giving Campaign
Eric Sandberg made a donation for McGee
Wendy Schild
Lauren Schuch
Angela Snell
Jeanne Wilim's donation for Cameron & Peppermint
Roger and Anne Davis's continued generousity throughout the year is very much appreciated and IBR is quite grateful for all you do to help our dogs. Roger and Anne adopted Sandy, Brown mutt in Green coat
Serafina, Brown and White Pointer in Red & Green coat (boat mountain survivor) and Gilligan (Gilly) Black and White Setter in orange coat.
Mark Appleby loves Pointers. His girls, Bess and Casey-Mae
Ben and Molly Butterworth donated all vet expenses forWilbur
Lynn Gutermuth made a contribution in Radar's name.
Caroline Marino, who adopted Conan,(aka Ernie) made a donation to help save McGee.
The Malcor family with 2 IBR adoptees, Sugar(left) and Ali(front center) and foster boy Coach Tressel(center) with fur sisters Lady and Sienna.
Jack and Colleen Pedersen who adopted Bandit last year.
Mark and Kathy Bardoel-foster parents of Georgia (GSP)- and adopters of Carly (Pointer).
The Martin Family, that had this to say, in part, about IBR. " We adopted Alice (formerly Alice Anne). You are a great organization whose tireless efforts are so valuable. Thanks for the great things that you do improving the lives of the dogs (and their humans.)"
Otto's Cyclery has been very generous over the months not only with donations, but adoption as well. Here is Luna, one of Ashley Hobbit's pups. Take a bow Luna.
We thank you all so much for your donations. We could not do our work without you! We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people that share our beliefs that all dogs deserve a second chance at happiness.
IBR would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Holiday Season.
December 8, 2008
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of December, 2008
Posted by IBR Rescue
November 10, 2008
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of November 2008!
November is a month for giving thanks. That is exactly what IBR would like to do to those who have helped us over the months. Without you, we couldn't do all we have done. Thank You.
The following generous donations were made:
Otto's Cyclery
The Malcor Family
Jessica Oldfather
Michael Bytner
Ann Davis For Tia's care
Diane Erwin
Donovan Foote
Gibson Point Lodge through Joe Weid
Heather McCMcCullough from Alpharetta,GA. On behalf of our two Pointers, Astro and Callie
William Raymoure
Michael Vozar On behalf of Sandy (Golden Retriever) and Freddie (Brittany)
We thank you all for your wonderful donations, which are a life saver to the rescue!!! We wish you a happy Thanksgiving season full of love and laughter with family and friends.
A special acknowledgement to Susan Paulsen for her donation from her Holiday Boutique. Susan's donation came from selling homemade dog treats that were a big success at the Worthinton Hills Country Club in Columbus, Ohio.
Posted by IBR Rescue
October 27, 2008
Minnesota Garage Sale! A job well done
Bryan Appel and Debby Filler
Kudos to all the volunteers that helped with the September garage sale. Total for the sale: $471.73
Bryan, Wendy, Dylan, Travis and Debby -- and Nya and Smitty!!
Posted by IBR Rescue
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of September 2008!
The following generous donations were made:
John Werth III
Michael Bytner
Cathy Snyder
Kirk and Cynthia Maynard
Orange & Blue Distributing
John Good
Jeffrey and Ellen Speer
Allison Nierode (and Penny - the GSP)
Anne and David Sporrer
GSP Club of America
We thank you all for your wonderful donations, which are a life saver to the rescue!!!
Posted by IBR Rescue
In memory of...
Donation made by Nancy Hahn and James Holland on behalf of Donald and Dawn Hahn. "In memory of their beloved fur kids at the bridge Holly (lab), Maddie (hound mix), Duncan & Katie (wheaton terriers) and to celebrate the happily current family members Charlie (pointer) and Larry (pointer mix)---both IBR adoptees. We thank you for your kind donation and are always thrilled to see our IBR kids in such loving and caring homes.
Posted by IBR Rescue
In loving memory of DC Winsong’s Cinnabar Hannah MH
We received a donation and also boxes of Heartgard from Kita Morris in memory of her beloved Viszla DC Windsong's Cinnabar Hanna. We thank Kita for her kind donation.
Posted by IBR Rescue
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of July 2008!
The following donations were received:
Christina Bach
Sarajean Howells
Teresa Drewes
Mary Kennedy
Sheila Macikas
Marcie Pollack
Our heartfelt thanks for your generous contributions in a time of need. Our recent surgery costs were sky-high and all help was so very much appreciated.
Posted by IBR Rescue
Donations to help with Lucy's surgery
Many thanks to Derek Brust & Elizabeth Loftus for their donation towards Lucy's surgery costs. It's greatly appreciated.
Posted by IBR Rescue
Donation in Memory of Wally!
In memory of Wally, the following donations were received:
Joanne Rawlings
Susan Paulsen
Caroline Marino
Sally and Brian Kreul
Wally, we miss you and will never forget you. Thanks to everybody that made a donation to honor his brave struggle.
Posted by IBR Rescue
June 4, 2008
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of June 2008!
Donation made by Aaron Lichtov. "This donation is made on behalf of Cat Hanna and Bonnie Denny, our friends who have adopted at least one birddog from you, in gratitude for the hospitality they and their two dogs showed us."
Donation made by Sandra Grawcock
Donation made by Cynthia and Kirk Maynard
Donation made by Mark Flannagan and family
Donation made by Christy Carrano
Donation made by Sheila Delaney
Donation made by Wendy Schild
Donation made by Jeff and Alison West
Thank you all so much for your generosity and kindness.
Posted by IBR Rescue
May 11, 2008
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of May 2008!
Generous donation made by Sheila Macikas and family. She writes: "We adopted our beloved pointer mix over a year ago from Naperville Humane Society. He's a giant baby. We also have a female spaniel mix we adopted from the Chicago City Pound. She is also a delight. They are the best of buddies. Just wanted to thank your group of volunteers for all their hard work. It's a blessing there are individuals like yourself who volunteer to make these animals lives better. I have enclosed a donation to try and help. Thanks again. - Sheila Macikas
Extremely generous donation made by Anne Davis with a matching donation by HSBC---Anne, I don't know what we'd do without you, you've been a lifesaver so many times!
Donation made by Dr. Dena Jersild and Dr. Carl Destefano
Donation made by Linda and Kenneth Hampe
Donation made by Terrence Rudenko, with a matching donation by Allstate.
Donation made by Bonnie Vozar
Donation made by the company Happy Jack of flea prevention products
Donation made by Lauren Rife Shannon "Thank you all for your help!
Kenzie is in her new home and seems to be doing well, the family has sent me updates and pictures over the last couple of days. I really appreciate all of your help in finding her a good home. Thank you"
Donation made by Erik Rittenhouse, with a matching donation by Allstate.
Donation made by Wendy Schilds, with a matching donation by General Electric
Donation made by Margaret Dodge "Please use this contribution where needed most
Donation made by Gary Berg
Donation made by Geoffrey Burns
We thank you so much for all your donations. We could not do our work without you!
Posted by IBR Rescue
Donation in Memory of Sasha
Donation made by Kevin and Kelly Munday in memory of Sasha, their beloved Spaniel Mix, that passed away in November '07 after cancer surgery. Sasha was a rescue dog. "We desperately miss the pitter-patter of little paws."
The entire IBR family sends most heartfelt condolences at your loss of sweet Sasha. Thank you for your donation that will help another dog experience the love of a furever family, such as Sasha received at your home.
Posted by IBR Rescue
April 23, 2008
Thanks from IBR and Alice Ann!
We would like to thank Dr. Nate Eversman at the Plainview Veterinary Clinic in Plainview, Minnesota for donating vetting care for Alice Ann. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.
Posted by IBR Rescue
April 3, 2008
In Memory of Snoopy Farrell
Donation made by Shannon Barry in memory of Snoopy. "This donation is in memory of Snoopy Farrell who crossed the bridge this past week. His guardian Jane Farrell is our pet sitter and good friend. Snoopy was a pointer/english setter mix and a rescue who gave his family 14 years of happiness." - Shannon
Illinois Birddog Rescue wants to send their heartfelt condolences to the Farrell family for their loss of Snoopy. We've had our share of "Pointsettiers" in rescue and have a special place in our hearts for them. - The IBR Family
Posted by IBR Rescue
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of April 2008!
Generous donation made by Kathy Iwanyshyn
Kind donation made by Theresa Perdikes
Kind donation made by Shannon Steffey
Kind donation made by Allison and Matthew Gill. "Dear Volunteers, your time and effort in rescuing these wonderful dogs is very much appreciated. We adopted Izzy, formerly known as Inez, in June of 2006. She's one of the hobbits from Boat Mountain. Izzy has brought us so much joy, she is an absolute sweetheart!! Smiles, Allison & Matt"
Generous donation made by the Fronek family. "Lisa, I had a minute to log onto the website and see there are sick babies. Hope this helps. Butch & Bailey are both doing great---so is my other son Jackson." Justin, Melissa, Jackson, Butch and Bailey
We thank you all for your kindness and generosity.
Posted by IBR Rescue
March 25, 2008
Donation for Bessie!
We would like to thank David Fugate, DVM and his wife Cindy for saving pointer girl Bessie's life and donating her vet care to Illinois Birddog Rescue.
Posted by Carola Clark
In Memory of Doreen
Donation made by Carola & Jeff Clark: "Anne and Roger, we are so sorry for your loss. Thanks for taking care of Doreen and providing her with a safe and loving home during the last years of her life"
Posted by Carola Clark
Donations for Wally!
Kind donation made by Beth Donaghey, who writes: "I thank you for getting him out of PAWS and for taking such good care of him."
Kind donation made by Elaine Tweedy, who writes: "This donation is to specifically help Wally, your newest case in foster care in Chicago. Please keep me posted on his progress." - Elaine
Kind donation made by Pat and Art Malcor who writes: "Wally has touched our hearts in ways we never expected. We pray that he finds peace and happiness in the days ahead."
We want to thank Stan Sliva and the Dyson company for their kind donation of a brand new Dyson DC14 "The Animal" upright vacuum. The vacuum will be used in a raffle to raise funds for Wally's medical bills and Reba's surgery.
Posted by Carola Clark
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of March 2008!
Extremely generous donation made by Dr. Dena Jersild and Dr. Carl Destefano
Kind donation made by Lisa Rossman from the Wisconsin German Shorthaired Rescue
Kind donation made by Tiffany Taylor
Kind donation made by Gary Berg
A wonderfully generous donation made by Mary Jo Fairbanks
Thank you all for your support that we depend on to be able to help more beloved birddogs.
Posted by Carola Clark
February 22, 2008
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of February 2008!
Kind donation made by Gary Berg
Kind donation made by Allison Gill
Kind donation made by Kellie and Nicholas Leibovitz
A fabulously generous donation made by Anne and Roger Davis, with an equally wonderful matching donation from Anne Davis' Company HSBC.
Posted by Carola Clark
February 21, 2008
Donation towards Jordan's Heartworm treatment
Sweet Jordan was pulled from an Ohio shelter at the last
moment--he was due to be euthanized. Jordan is Heartworm
positive and will undergo treatment to get him all healthy
Kind donation by Felicia Comella, who writes: "Dear IBR, Enclosed find a donation to your rescue group. Jordan's story touched me to tears. We have a wonderful rescue dog, "Buddy", from Rover Rescue. He was adopted September 10, 2004, and if it had not been for fostering, Buddy would have been put to sleep. He's the most sweetest, gentle soul, part australian shepherd/lab mix, we think!
Good luck to Jordan and all the other gentle souls out there in need of a forever home."
Posted by Carola Clark
In memory of Spanky
Kind donation made by Kati and Eddie Bishop in memory of Spanky, who passed away in January.
"He is flying after balls in warm summer fields now, and I know he will wait
The Illinois Birddog Rescue family wants to send their warmest sympathy to the Bishop family for their loss. We'll never forget you, Spanky!
Posted by Carola Clark
Elton's surgery!
We want to thank all the wonderful people that have made contributions to Elton for his hiatal hernia surgery:
Grace Arianoutsos
Susan Depner
Sam & Brooke Badger
Many warm thanks also to Nance Ceccarelli, who bought an incredible amount of raffle tickets to help dear Elton. We can't thank you enough for your kindness.
Posted by Carola Clark
Pheasant Fest Donations!
In January 2008, Illinois Birddog Rescue was so fortunate to participate at Pheasant Fest again, which was held this time in Minneapolis. A lot of dedicated volunteers in the area---and some that traveled far, participated in the event and made it a success. We want to thank all of them.
The following people helped by contributing funds to help pay for booth and other expenses, to make are participation possible:
Eric Sandberg
Anne Hornyak
We want to thank all of them for their donations. Pheasant fest was a great success and helped raise much needed funds for Elton's surgery.
A huge "thank you" also to Joel Bardseth, the territory sales manager, for Nature's Variety Dog Food. Debby Filler, who worked the IBR booth reports:

Posted by Carola Clark
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of January 2008!
Kind donation by Linda Jaros, who writes: "I love English Setters. I hope this gift will help just a little. Linda"
Kind donation by Yukiko McFarling, who donated proceeds from a sale to Illinois Birddog Rescue.
Kind donation by Kathleen Cheney
Kind donation by Sheila Macikas
Kind donation by Monika Soja
Posted by Carola Clark
January 10, 2008
Donation by Artist Robert Christie
We are very excited to announce that we received a wonderful donation of two setter prints of the work of Robert Christie, to be used in a raffle raise funds for our poor setter boy Elton's surgery, to fix his hiatal hernia.
We want to thank Mr. Christie for his very kind support, which will help Elton to lead a healthy and happy life after surgery. We think one of the orange setters in the prints look just like Elton. :-)
Posted by Carola Clark
Artist Ross B Young Donation
We received the wonderful donation of a Pointer Print of Artist Ross B Young's "The Bounty Hunters":
We want to thank Mr. Young very much for this donation that will be used in an upcoming raffle to raise funds to help rescue more pointers.
Posted by Carola Clark
January 6, 2008
Heartguard/Frontline Donation
We want to thank Julie Adams for donating numerous packages of Puppy Heartguard and Frontline Packages to Illinois Birddog Rescue. As we always have several puppy litters that are rescued, this donation helps greatly to keep expenses reasonable and help more dogs. We greatly appreciate the donation.
Posted by Carola Clark
Thank you, Patti!
As in previous years, we received a wonderful donation from the Employees of the Fitz Chem Corporation in Itasca, IL. We want to thank all of you for your kindness.
Posted by Carola Clark
Holistic Fair
Illinois Birddog Rescue wants to thank all volunteers that helped at the Holistic Fair that generated a nice profit for Illinois Birddog Rescue. We also want to thank Ryan Group LTD that donated part of the ticket sales and the silent auction proceeds to IBR.
Posted by Carola Clark