Donation by Judy Gemperline and family:
'In Memory of Java and my second dog, Nasa, who was Java’s best friend' ~ Judy
March 19, 2007
In memory of...
Posted by Carola Clark
Hope, Strength & Courage
Three badly maimed pointer/setter mixes Hope, Strength & Courage were patiently nursed back to health by their shelter. Illinois Birddog Rescue is taking them under their wing, as their time was running out. Continuing vet care will be necessary for these three, especially for Hope, who is still struggling with skin issues.
Donation made by Ed Kaufman:
An extremely generous donation was made by Mr. Kaufman. You are a true rescue angel and this sweet trio and Illinois Birddog Rescue thank you so much for your contribution.
Posted by Carola Clark
March 10, 2007
Donations for Dorothy
Little Dorothy was sitting at a
Donation made by Hildur Hanna:
Donation made by Mike & Jeri McClure:
A heartfelt "Thank You" to Mike and Jeri McClure who made an extremely generous donation that covered Dorothy's surgery cost.
Donation made by Andrea Mann:
"For Dorothy"
We thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your support.
Posted by Carola Clark
March 2, 2007
Teaching Compassion!
Thanks to Kathy Cheney’s efforts—
Her school was able to raise $174.04 for the puppies!! Kathy is coming over to meet them on Saturday- so we’ll get some pictures for her to take back to the school! Illinois Birddog Rescue, Inc is making a difference in our community. I think Kathy just found us by a random search on petfinder and she saw our plea for help.
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for the pictures! I can't tell you the
feelings that went through me when I looked at those shots.
I am so happy those babies have a shot at a wonderful life.
I will be sure to share them with the students at our school
tomorrow and let them know that what they did made a
Posted by Carola Clark