July 1, 2010

Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of July

The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by Congress on July 4th, 1776, states in part, “All men are created equal”; they enjoy “unalienable Rights” these rights include “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Illinois Birddog Rescue believes "Freedom" from neglect and abuse plus the "Independence" from cruelty are "unalienable Rights" given to all creatures. Without your generous donations, we would not be in a position to ensure "Life, Liberty, or the pursuit of Happiness" that over 800 dogs have come to know. Thank each and everyone of you for your belief in us.

Our Deepest Appreciation to the following people for their generous donations;
Allstate Giving Champaign
Anonymous donation
Laura Alfieri
7/28/2010 I'd like 35 raffle tickets for the bench
Christina Bach and Kathy Sorich made a donation in memory of Jania Ekstowicz.
Christy Carrano
Jaime Davis
Nancy Hahn,Jim Holland and their adopoted dog,Dusty to celebrate Dawn Hahn's birthday
The Hansen family in gratitude for saving Rosey
Rebecca La Verne
Lee Miller
Melissa Murphy
L Nelson
Orange & Blue Distributing Co.
Tom and Karen Scheidt