We want to send a special 'Thank You' to Anne and Roger for their extremely generous support throughout this year, that has been matched by a donation from HSBC. We cannot express how much we appreciate all you've done. Anne Davis with her newest foster boy, little Gilligan.
November 19, 2007
Special Thanks to Anne and Roger Davis...
Posted by Carola Clark
November 2, 2007
In memory of Mocha
Donation made in memory of Mocha, the beloved chocolate lab girl of Barb and Ralph Scalise, by the Foreign Language, Social Studies and ELL Division of Elk Grove High School in Illinois.
We want to thank the staff at Elk Grove High School for their kind donation and are sending heartfelt condolences to Barb and Ralph for their loss.Suzanne Albright and William Bozek have also made a donation in memory of Mocha. We want to thank them for their kind support.
Posted by Carola Clark
Donation of Setter Artwork
We want to send a big thank you to Sherry Neiderhiser for the donation of a one of her watercolor paintings of an English Setter to Illinois Birddog rescue. Your kindness will never be forgotten.
Sherry Neiderhiser - Hearts & Hounds
Posted by Carola Clark
Wes Memorial Fund Donations for the month of October 2007!
Donation made by Katherine Cermak
Donation made by Christopher and Mary Gasik
Donation made by George and Nancy Mendes
Donation made by Mary Jo and Bill Fairbanks
Donation made by Phyllis Gramas Erickson
Donation made by Mr. and Mrs. Cheney
Donation made by Mr. and Mrs. Demos
Donation made by Wendy Schild, with a matching donation made by her employer General Electric
We want to thank all families for their generous donations. We couldn't do our work without your help.
Posted by Carola Clark
Donations for our Birddog Balooza 3
A big 'Thank You' to all the wonderful people and businesses that were donating items for our BB3 raffle:
www.smartpakcanine.com Gift Certificates
www.caninecareinc.com Acupressure Gift Certificates and Agility Equipment Rental
www.pointingtheway.com Training Gift Certificate
www.custompromos.com Discounted embroideries, IBR logo T’s
www.dogwares.com Discounted dog coats
www.courtavebrew.com Pointer Brown Ale Growlers
Dr. Carl DeStefano DC/ Dr. Dena Jersild DVM -Dog Chiropractic Gift Certificate
Animal Feeds and Needs – Gift Certificates
Jim Michener- pheasant hats
Amy Williams- children’s book
Amy White- pheasant hats
Pat Malcor- Weave poles
Anne Davis- Dog food, bowls, gift certificates
Mary Tiefenbrunn- Setter sleeping bag, Lancome bag
Donna Alexander- dog book
We hope we haven't forgotten anybody. Thank you all so very much for your support!
Posted by Carola Clark